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Ivy Week 2024

June 20, 2024

Maj .Gen. David S. Doyle, commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, addresses the 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson and Colorado Springs communities at the State of Fort Carson address June 20, 2024 at Founder’s Field on Fort Carson, Colorado. Doyle discussed innovative concepts the 4thInfantry Division will implement, including the Colorado Movement, a 400-miletraining exercise from Fort Bliss, Texas to Fort Carson, Colorado. (U.S. Army Photo by Spc. William Rogers)

Aircraft from the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade fly-over Founder’s Field during the State of Fort Carson address June 20, 2024 at Fort Carson, Colorado. The State of Fort Carson address highlighted accomplishments of the4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson over the last year and innovations to be implemented in the next 12 months. (U.S. Army Photos by Spc. William Rogers)

A plaque honoring retired 1st Sgt. David H. McNerney is displayed at McNerney Hall, June 20, 2024 at Fort Carson, Colorado. Command Sgt. Maj. Alex Kupratty, the command sergeant major of the 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, expressed his hope that Ivy Soldiers would take inspiration from McNerney when they walked through the doors of McNerney Hall.(U.S. Army photo by Spc. Mark Bowman)

The Headquarters Renaming Ceremony is a poignant tribute to the legacy and service of David H. McNerney, a distinguished 4ID soldier and Medal of Honor recipient. By renaming the headquarters after him, the 4thInfantry Division honors his memory and ensures that future generations will remember his bravery and sacrifice. The event served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by all those who have served and a testament to the division's proud heritage of valor and excellence.

Members of the Redlegs Chapter of the 4th Infantry (IVY)Division Association are given demonstrations from Ivy Soldiers at Founder’s Field during the State of Fort Carson address June 20, 2024 at Fort Carson, Colorado. Community members explored static displays to see firsthand the innovative ways the 4th Infantry Division implements military operations.  (U.S. Army Photo by Spc. William Rogers)